Canada Sales
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October, 2012 Blog:
Are you ordering a machine for Canada

To our Canadian customers, we want you to know that buying from American Machine Tools Company is not a problem. We can help. We have shipped hundreds of machines to Canada over the years. We have trucking services that can deliver to most of Canada. Not just BC, Alberta, Sasketchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. We can also ship to places up north such as Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Fredericton, and Halifax.

Canada is a very beautiful country because it is separate from the USA. Therefore there is a border, but dont worry, we make it easy. We have border brokers who can facilitate your customs paperwork and GST tax. Our experience and connections makes it easy for us to help you. To make buying a machine easy, we accept Canadian credit cards and other forms of payment such as bank wire transfer. We have even given Net 30 Days credit to a few of our largest Canadian customers.

Do you want to save on import tax by buying a machine that meets the requirements of NAFTA? About a third of our machines are NAFTA compliant. Do you need a special Canadian voltage? Some of our machines are available in 575 volts. Do you need a machine with CSA approved components? Some of our machines can be built with them. Do you want a good quality metal working lathe or band saw machine that is made in Canada? We have them available from factories in Ontario. Are you from the Canadian province of Quebec and you want to speak French?.....Desole, nous ne parlons pas Francais. Mais nous pouvons traduire par courrier electronique.

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