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May, 2013:
Beware; not all machinery websites are safe:

Have you ever found a website when searching on Google that had exactly what you were looking for but when you wanted to call for more information you could not find their telephone number or address anywhere on their website? When you went to their Contact Us page, all it showed was a form to fill out and email them? Or even worse, the website tries to download a virus onto your computer? What should you do before you trust a website?

1) Obviously you should make sure you have up to date real anti-virus protection. Cost~$50.
2) If you are searching on Google, Yahoo or Bing, pay attention to the green check marks that many anti-virus software programs put next to each website. These green checkmarks show which websites have been safely scanned for viruses by the anti-virus software company.
3. Do not put your credit card into a website you do not know yet until you call the people and ask a lot of questions to make sure the people behind the website answer your questions and sound legitimate. Keep in mind that if the price sounds too good to be true it might involve a lot of risk.
4. A good way to verify who is behind a website is to go to the Network Solutions whois webpage and type in the name of the website. The whois shows who owns the website, who the administrator is and a telephone number. If the info is shown as Private, then avoid doing business with them. The should not be trying to hide their contact info from people.
5. Check up on their legitimacy and reputation with the Better Business Bureau.
6. Type the website name into Google and see if their are any warnings about them from past victims.
7. If you know their address, look them up on Google street view. Beware of PO boxes.
8. If you are comparing machine prices and one is a lot lower than the other, verify why.
9. A good machinery company should be willing to send you a signed formal quotation with literature and business card through the mail. Be suspicious if they only send info by email.
10. After considering all the risks of buying machinery and your need for spare parts in the future, one safe choice is American Machine Tools Company. We put our address and telephone number on every page of our website. We have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. And when you call us we have industry professionals to help you with all your questions, and we will gladly mail you a formal quotation with lots of information, photos, business card and our company catalog. Go ahead.....give us a try; 1-773-334-5000.

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