Beyond the Show Floor:
Fabtech Show Seminars in Chicago November 11 - 13:
Targeted technical, operational, economic, and managerial sessions to
boost your career or business.
November 11, 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
W30: AWS Prayer Breakfast Room: N227B
Monday, November 11, 8:00 AM
F10: Application Discovery - Evaluating Real Use Cases for In-Office Metal
3D Printing Room: S403A
F11: Move to the 21st Century: The Pro's and Con's of Adding Automation
to Your Process Room: S401D
F13: Press Brake for Engineers Room: S502A
F14: Coil Processing: Slitting HSS Materials Room: S502B
F16: Lean Principle: Getting Started with Your Lean Journey Room: S401A
F17: Choosing the Best Source of Growth Capital for Your Manufacturing
Business Room: S404BC
F18: Supercharge Your Networking & Inbound Marketing Room: S405A
F19: Current State of Smart Manufacturing & The Connected Viewpoint Room:
F200: Practicing Emotional Intelligence for Workplace Success Room: S401BC
Monday, November 11, 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote Presentation: FABx Tech Talks Room: FABTECH Theater (Lakeside
Monday, November 11, 10:00 AM
C20: ABCs of Infrared Room: S501A
C21: I Want to Powder Coat, Now What? Room: S501BC
C22: Corrosion Basics and Prevention Room: S501D
F20: 3D Printed Tools for Additive Manufacturing Environments Room: S403A
F21: Getting Started with Robotics: A Journey to the World of Robotics
Room: S401D
F211: The Future of Talent: Attracting and Retaining the Top Talent for
the 21st Century Room: S401BC F22: Cutting for Advanced Materials Room:
F23: Machine Safeguarding Room: S502A
F24: Roll Forming: Basics and Lubricants Room: S502B
F25: Lasers for Joining Development and Control Room: S403B
F26: Lean Tools: Flow & Pull in High Variety Environment Room: S401A
F27: Planning for the Present & Paving a Strategic Roadmap Room: S404BC
F28: Your Schematic for Assembling a Powerful Digital Marketing Machine
Room: S405A
F29: Smart Manufacturing Basics to Get Started in the Digital World Room:
S20: Servo Metal Stamping Presses - Proper Usage, Troubleshooting and
Maintenance. Room: S503A
S21: Lubricants - 1 Room: S503B
W200: The Welding Economy Room: S404D
Monday, November 11, 12:00 PM
F212: Creating Career Path Programs That Empower & Engage Room: S401BC
F30: Guide to Metal Additives: Mapping the Process from Discovery to Production
Room: S403A
F31: Leading and Preparing and Industry 4.0 Organization and Workforce
Room: S401D
F33: Material Handling Room: S502A
F34: Roll Forming: Tooling and Trouble Shooting Room: S502B
F35: Remote Laser Joining & Interface Applications Room: S403B
F36: Lean OEM Quality Excellence: 6 Practical Steps to Becoming an Award-Winning
Supplier: S401A
F37: Job Shop Costing, Estimating and Scheduling for Complex Jobs Room:
F38: Build a Sales Strategy & Model for Scalable Growth Room: S405A
F39: Industrial IoT Case Study - Real World Implementation Room: S402B
S30: ANSI Z224.1 & OSHA 1910.147 Applications of Alternative Methods for
Hazardous Energy Control Room: S503A
November 11, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Leadership Exchange - Emerging & Advanced Technologies for Manufacturing
2020 Room: FABTECH Theater (Lakeside Center)
November 11, 1:00 PM
W17: Getting Started in Underwater Welding Room: N132
W18: Creating a WPS in 60 Seconds Room: N136
November 11, 1:40 PM - 5:00 PM
W23: Professional Program - Monday Room: N138-N140
Monday, November 11, 2:00 PM
C40: It's Your Money - Control Your Costs Room: S501A
C41: Powder Coating Basics Room: S501BC
C42: Understanding the Basics of Pretreatment Room: S501D
F213: Pushing Your Envelope: How Smart People Overcome Self-Doubt and
Live with Bold Enthusiasm Room: S401BC
F40: Metal 3D Printing for Fabrication Shops Room: S403A
F41: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for the Job Shop Room: S401D
F42: Automated Processes in Hybrid Induction & Oxy-Fuel Cutting Room:
F43: Advanced Press Brake Technologies Room: S502A
F44: Advanced Solutions for Tube and Pipe Room: S502B
F45: Lasers and Laser Systems for Advanced Manufacturing Room: S403B
F46: Lean Principle: Strategic Planning and Hoshin Kanri - How to Achieve
the Future Room: S401A
F47: Hands on Workshop - Cultivate & Value Your Leadership Room: S404BC
F48: Deliver Superb Customer Service & Build a Customer-Centric Culture
Room: S405A
F49: Smart Manufacturing and Workforce Ready! Room: S402B
S40: Application of Real-Time Visual Monitoring Tool in Stamping Room:
S41: Lubricants - 2 Room: S503B
W400: Robotic Welding for Job Shops Room: S404D
Tuesday, November 12, 8:00 AM
C50: Lean and Green Cleaning Room: S501A
C51: Powder System Design for Success Room: S501BC
C52: 1K, 2K, New K and Fluid Delivery Methods Room: S501D
F214: Engaging Manufacturing's Next Generation Through Full Contact Innovation
Room: S401BC
F56: Lean Principle: Leadership and The Lean Journey Room: S401A
F57: Building A Competitive Advantage: Know What Your Business is Worth
and Tax Credit Advantages Room: S404BC
F58: Customer Experience for Manufacturers to Create Digitally-Powered
Journeys That Help Grow People Room: S405A
F59: Productivity, Performance & Quality Management for Smart Manufacturing
Room: S402B
S50: Materials - 1 Room: S503A
S51: Connectivity - 1 Room: S503B
November 12, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
W13: WPS's for Weld Inspection and Test-Taking Tips Room: N131
November 12, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
W12: Applied Welding Metallurgy Room: N226
Tuesday, November 12, 8:00 AM
W11: AWS Educational Overview of Welding Codes and Standards - Day 1 Room:
W16: 5th International Electron Beam Conference - Day 1 Room: N227B
W22: RWMA Resistance Welding School - Day 1 Room: N227A
W24: Professional Program - Tuesday Room: N138-N140
November 12, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote Presentation: Frank Abagnale Room: FABTECH Theater (Lakeside Center)
Tuesday, November 12, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
W29: AWS/Weld-Ed Education Conference - Using Advanced Waveforms in Welding
Education Room: N132
November 12, 10:00 AM
C60: Mother Earth Still Needs Our Help! Room: S501A
C61: How It's Made: Knowing Where Your Powder and Equipment Come From
Room: S501BC
C62: Oven Selection Solved Room: S501D
F215: Conflict & Communication for Strong Leadership Room: S401BC
F60: Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing Room: S403A
F61: Estimating and Job Costing for Industry 4.0 - The Science of Costing
and the Art of Pricing: S401D
F62: Optimization of Cutting Metals with Fiber and Plasma Machining Room:
F63: Effective Safeguarding Risk Assessment Room: S502A
F64: Coil Processing: Blanking Techniques and Handling Solutions Room:
F65: Quality & Control for Laser Joining Systems Room: S403B
F66: Lean Tools: Value Stream Mapping - Addressing Differences Between
Office and Shop Floor: S401A
F67: The Dark Cloud Behind the Silver Lining: Economy in 2020 Room: S404BC
F68: Sustainable Social Media Strategies Room: S405A
F69: Quit Making Excuses and Close the Loop - Now is the Time to Digitize
Room: S402B
S60: Materials - 2 Room: S503A
S61: Connectivity - 2 Room: S503B
W600: Resistance & Arc Welding for Better Weldability and Hazard Reduction
Room: S404D
November 12, 12:00 PM
F70: Small & Large Format Printers for Additive Manufacturing Room: S403A
F71: The Full Potential of Automation and Lights-Out! Room: S401D
F73: Dust Collection for Fabrication Processes Room: S502A
F74: Roll Forming: Design and Welding Techniques Room: S502B
F75: Accelerated & Combination Lasers for Sheet Metal Room: S403B
F76: Lean Tools: A3 Thinking - Developing People & Solving Problems Room:
F77: Planning for the Future: The New Dawn of Manufacturing and Technology
Room: S404BC
F78: Strengthen Your Marketing Through the Power of Story & Grow Your
Revenue & Grow Your Team Room: S405A
F79: From Rust-Belt to High-Tech: Transform, Ignite and Disrupt Room:
November 12, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
W31: AWS Awards/AWS Foundation Luncheon Room: N228
November 12, 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
F216: Leadership Skills & Development Workshop Room: S401BC
November 12, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
State of the Industry: Automation in Manufacturing Room: FABTECH Theater
(Lakeside Center)
November 12, 2:00 PM
C80: Identifying and Solving Finishing Defects: See It, Touch It, Fix
It Room: S501A
C81: Lean and Mean - Making Powder Systems Work Room: S501BC
C82: Make Safety a Priority Room: S501D
F80: How Additive Manufacturing Can Accelerate and Advance Your Design
Room: S403A
F81: IIoT Solutions to Better Manage Your Assets Room: S401D
F83: Sheet Metal Design and Press Brake Automation Room: S502A
F84: Roll Forming: Justification and In-Line Punching, Cutoff Dies Room:
F85: Traditional & Fiber Laser Cutting for High Performance Room: S403B
F86: Lean Tools: Standard Work for Quality and Improvement Room: S401A
F87: ERP Systems: Selection & Avoiding the ERP Technology Grim Reaper
Room: S404BC
F89: Artificial Intelligence for Machine Learning & Streamlining Quoting
Process Room: S402B
S80: Materials - 3 Room: S503A
S81: Wireless Pressure Monitoring of Nitrogen Systems in Metal Stamping
Dies Room: S503B
W800: Improving Lightweight Materials Joining Through Friction Welding
Room: S404D
November 12, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
F82: Comparative Cutting Innovations with Tech Tour Room: S404A
November 12, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Industry Night at McCormick Place Room: Lakeside Center
November 13, 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Women of FABTECH Breakfast
Wednesday, November 13, 8:00 AM
C90: Architectural Coatings - Today and Future Room: S501A
C91: Optimizing Powder Operations Room: S501BC
C92: Creative Finishing Solutions Room: S501D
F217: Operational Excellence for Significant and Sustained Performance
with Incentive Pay Room: S401BC
F90: The ROI of 3D Printing: Analyze the Cost of Implementing 3D Printing
for Your BusinessS403A
F91: Effective Automation for Joining in Emerging Technologies Room: S401D
F93: A Modular Approach to Turning Non-Value Added Time on a Press Brake
into Productive Time Room: S502A
F94: Roll Forming: Press Tonnage Rating and Welding Systems Room: S502B
F96: Lean Principle: Go to Gemba Room: S401A
F97: Ensuring Tomorrow: How to Effectively Choose and Prepare Your Successor
Room: S404BC
F98: Digital Recruiting Strategies & Data for Continuous Improvement Room:
F99: The Smart Factory & Feasibility with Case Studies Room: S402B S90:
Stamping - 1 Room: S503A S91: Sensors - 1 Room: S503B
November 13, 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
AWF100: Laser Welding Workshop Room: S403B
November 13, 8:00 AM
W14: "Welding" Don't Be Afraid to Ask Room: N134
W15: Stainless Steel Welding D1.6 Structure Room: N132
November 13, 8:00 AM
W11: AWS Educational Overview of Welding Codes and Standards - Day 2 Room:
W16: 5th International Electron Beam Conference - Day 2 Room: N227B
W22: RWMA Resistance Welding School - Day 2 Room: N227A
W25: Professional Program - Wednesday Room: N138-N140
November 13, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Keynote Presentation: Grant Imahara Room: FABTECH Theater (Lakeside Center)
November 13, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
W19: : Development of a New Standard for Metal Additive Manufacturing:
D20.1/D20.1M, Specification for Fabrication of Metal Components Using
Additive Manufacturing: N131
November 13, 10:00 AM
C100: Conveying Effectively Room: S501A
C101: Mastering Batch Powder Coating Operations Room: S501BC
C102: Choose Your Weapon - Finding the Right Liquid Applicator Room: S501D
F100: Impact and Quality Considerations for Additive Manufacturing Room:
F101: Integrating Robotic Automation into Your Process Room: S401D
F102: Advantages of Waterjet Cutting Machining Technology Room: S404A
F103: Press Brake Safety Room: S502A
F104: Tube & Pipe Lubricants, Bending and Case Studies in Tube Field Failures
Room: S502B
F106: Lean Tools: Lean Production Shop to a Job Shop Room: S401A
F107: Win the Inner Game: Free Yourself of Overwhelm and See Your Highest
Potential Come True Room: S404BC
F108: Business Builders: Make Business Development a Competitive Advantage
Room: S405A
F109: A.I. for Predictive Manufacturing: Zero Downtime, Zero Defects Room:
S100: Stamping - 2 Room: S503A
S101: Sensors - 2 Room: S503B
W100: Optimization of Welding Documentation and Continuity Efficiency
Using Computer Software Room: S404D
November 13, 12:00 PM
F110: Lasers and Additive Manufacturing Processes Room: S403A
F111: Which Robot Application is Right for Your Needs? Room: S401D
F113: Alternative Forming Processes Room: S502A
F114: Alternative Techniques for Annealing, Testing and Grinding Abrasives
Room: S502B
F117: Diagnose Your Business: How to Free Yourself from Budget Limitations
by Finding and Unlocking Hidden Money in Your Operations Room: S404BC
F118: Protecting Original Design: The Importance of IP in Metal Forming
Room: S405A
F119: Prevent Digital Failure and Benchmark Your Performance Room: S402B
F219: Leading Innovation & Change Initiatives in Your Organization Room:
November 13, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Leadership Exchange - The Impact of Disruptive Technology and the Future
of Manufacturing Room: FABTECH Theater (Lakeside Center)
November 13, 2:00 PM
C120: Quality Still Counts Room: S501A C121: Powder Coating Troubleshooting
Room: S501BC
C122: Automation Roadmap for Liquid Finishing Operations Room: S501D
F115: The Use of Additive and Subtractive Lasers in Applications for Custom
Parts Room: S403B
F121: Automating the Material Handling Process - Why Now is the Time Room:
F123: Press Brake Hurdles Room: S502A
F124: Coil Processing: Slitting Thin Materials, Leveling & Deburring Room:
F127: Enable the Transition to Next Gen - Family Business Room: S404BC
F128: A Marketing Framework: From Lead to Sale - Marketing Tools & Tips
for Fabricators and OEMS Room: S405A
F129: Smart Manufacturing on Predictable ROI Room: S402B
F220: Manage, Mentor and Develop Your New Workforce & Staff for the Future
Room: S401BC
S120: Stamping - 3 Room: S503A
S121: Quality & Tooling Room: S503B
November 14, 8:00 AM
C130: Power Up and Hang On for Efficiency and Savings Room: S501A
C131: Using the Dirty Dozen to Optimize Your Powder Coating Room: S501BC
C132: Test for the Best - Best Practices and Measurement Methods for Quality
Room: S501D
F130: How MES Transfers Data Efficiently Through the Additive Manufacturing
Value Chain & Business Case Method Room: S403A
F131: Sensors, Maintenance and Platforms for Leveraging Technology Room:
F136: Lean Principle: Science of Lean Culture and Case Studies Room: S401A
F137: Making Better Decisions as a Business Leader & Tools for Management
Success Room: S404BC
F139: Smart Manufacturing to Successfully Implement the Trifecta; All
in Real Time Room: S402B
F221: How to Win with Personalities & Team Engagement Room: S401BC
November 14, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
W20: Starting a Welding Inspection Business Room: N133
November 14, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
W21: Becoming a Certified Welding Accredited Test Facility for Testing
Certified Welders Room: N134
Thursday, November 14, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
W26: Professional Program - Thursday Room: N138-N140
November 14, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
F147: Financing to Enable Growth & Achieve Project Improvements Room:
November 14, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Leadership Exchange - 21st Century Workforce: Building Tomorrow’s Workforce
Room: FABTECH Theater (Lakeside Center)
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