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How To Sell A Used Machine Online:

Do you have a metalworking machine sitting in your shop that you have not used in years? Or maybe you just bought a nice new machine from American Machine Tools Company and want to sell the old one you replaced. If so you may be procrastinating doing anything because you are not sure what to do next. If you have experience selling a used machine then read no further. But if you have never sold a used machine online before, keep reading. In the old days you may have been at the mercy of a local used machinery dealer who would offer to buy your machine. But thanks to the internet it is now much easier to sell it yourself. In a general sense, you simply find a reputable website, provide a detailed description with pictures, set your price and let the internet do the work. But there is more to it than that.

Show Off Your Equipment

Start by giving your machinery a good cleaning. You'd be surprised how far this first step goes in making a successful sale. After you have given it a good scrubbing, take pictures of the machine from every angle conceivable. And make sure to photograph the manufacturers model number plate that is usually on the side or back of the machine. Again, think of your buyer who has to learn everything they can from your pictures and description. What would you want to see? In case your buyer is not close enough to come see and test the machine in person before buying, a short video is helpful in proving that the machine works so now is the time to shoot some compelling footage. Run the machine through all of its basic motions. It is best to run the machine with a piece of metal in it to show it cutting or milling or bending. Whatever it is supposed to do. When it comes to uploading the video to the internet, most people put their video on YouTube, so you will need to follow their instructions.

Machine Description

Next, assemble all pertinent information related to the item: Owners manual, instructions, spec sheets, maintenance logs, repair records, anything and everything that even mentions the equipment to be sold. Then it's time to write a detailed description because it is best to do this before you go online. Don't risk typing up everything about the machine for sale into a website only to find that the website or your computer has chosen that moment to seize up. This step may take a while because, just as with pictures, you want to provide as much information as possible. Be honest about the condition and age of the item. Document any issues or replacement parts the unit may have. Describe the purpose of the machine and any alternative uses to which it was utilized. Details are important to aid the potential buyer in making a decision. TIP: Take a look at some other similar listings online if you need some ideas of what information to provide.

Shipping Options

After you're finished writing an honest description, decide on how the machine will be shipped. Does the customer need to arrange pick it up? Or are you willing to ship it? Via what method? Standard truck or flat bed truck? Will the customer need a fork lift to unload it? How much does it weigh? What is the estimated shipping cost? You might want to venture online to your chosen shipper's website and get a quote for shipping to the furthest coast so you know what is the highest it can be. The easiest shipping method is to have the seller bear the costs and responsibility of moving the equipment. Once you've decided on shipping, write this at the bottom of your description so everything is in one place (it can be removed later when you're inputting info on the website).

Selling Price

Now you need to do some research to find out what other comparable machines are selling for. This will help you set your selling price. Take into account size, age, condition, name brand, and if it comes with useful tooling. If you are still unsure after checking out other similar machines for sale, you could specify "request for quotation" (RFQ) which requires the potential buyer contacting you for this information. Now that you've set your price and assembled all your pictures, video, and a detailed description, you're ready to engage the internet. It's time to choose a reputable website that is dedicated to helping people buy and sell machines. Though you may have used eBay in the past for selling household items, you are trying to sell a specialized industrial machine so you may find it better to use a website that specializes in what you are selling (such as where you can sell construction equipment, industrial machinery, woodworking machines, or metalworking machine tools).

Create Your Listing

Once you've chosen your preferred site and signed up, you're ready to create a listing. Just follow the onscreen instructions to enter your photos, videos, and description (cut and paste from your word processor to the description window to save time). As a side note, make sure you choose the correct category in which to place your item. You wouldn't want to list a milling machine in the arbor press category now would you? Some sites may have separate spaces to enter things like serial number, model, model number, etc. Don't worry if you've included those in the description as well…the more information the better. Make sure to proofread any typing you've done to make sure everything is spelled correctly. A few more clicks and its listed! Now you can sit back, relax, and watch the interest in your listing grow. Make sure to promptly answer email questions from potential buyers. If you used a reputable website and have any questions, you should be able to contact their customer support if you need assistance.

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